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The PCR Series: Suicide PCR

Okay yes! it's a quirky name to give to a #biotechnique. It has quite profound implications in the field of #paleogenetics.


Suicide PCR methodology utilizes primer pairs to be used only once, but multiple sets of primers could be tested until an #amplicon of the expected size is yielded and sequenced to confirm its identity. #PCR primers are also designed to hybridize to targets outside #genomic regions previously targeted in the laboratory. This ensures complete obliteration of any contaminating target DNA from each attempt of #suicidePCR.


FIGURE: #suicidePCR general cycle.

The protocol is same as a conventional 3-step PCR protocol with Initial denaturation, then cycling of denaturation, annealing and extension, with final extension. As you know, the denaturation temperature is dependent on the #DNApolymerase used, annealing temperature will be according to the Tm of the primers, and extension time will be dependent on the target size and polymerase used.

It is recommended to use #BSA as enhancer and 40 cycles in the #suicidePCR as it is generally done from ancient #paleobiological samples with very little template and possible presence of inhibitors.


  1. Absolutely #no chances of getting false positive results from field or laboratory contaminants!

  2. Possibility of getting #highlyspecific amplifications at each attempt.


  1. It is not always possible to design a new pair of primers to target a specific DNA fragment.

  2. Every pair of newly designed primers might not work, taking a long time to identify exclusive molecular signatures from any sample.


  1. Applications of #suicidePCR include identification of microbes in ancient samples possibly contaminated with a lot of other microorganisms.

  2. #suicidePCR is also useful to identify exclusive DNA fragments from minimal ancient samples,

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