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Mammalian Cell Culture: Alternatives to FBS/FCS

Fetal Bovine/ calf Serum is one of the most used growth supplement in #mammalian cell culture. But a lot of regulatory and manufacturing constraints are pushing the industry towards #synthetic and defined #supplements. Lets get to the petridish!

Why not FBS/FCS?

  • Batch-to-batch variability in quality and composition

  • It carries the risk of #anaphylactoid reactions, #xenoimmunization and zoonotic transmission when used for expanding cells destined for therapeutic purposes.

  • Increasing ethical concerns on grounds of animal cruelty

  • Increasing demand causing supply chain issues

  • High price plaguing basic research

What are alternatives to FBS/FCS?

  • Chemically-Defined Xeno-free Medium

  • Human Platelet Lysate XF (#hPL, Life Sc. production)

  • ITS liquid supplement (Insulin-transferrin-sodium selenite, #Sigma Aldrich)

  • SITE (ITS + Ethanolamine, #Sigma Aldrich)

  • ITS/SITE (Sigma Aldrich) + linoleic acid/oleic acid/BSA

  • Bovine Pituitary Extract (#BPE)

  • Earthworm Coelomic Fluid (CF)

  • Defined/ characterized FBS (#Hyclone)

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