There are number of recipes available online with a number of different components suiting everyone's kitchen (!)
FIGURE: Beautiful illumination of DNA under UV light.
1. #Dyes: You can make triple, double, single dye or maybe even a colorless one. The commonly used dyes are #BromophenolBlue, #XyleneCyanolFF, #CresolRed and/or #OrangeG. Adding the first two will get you a Prussian Blue color whereas adding any three will fetch you a Black dye.
When preparing #singledye: 0.2% Bromophenol Blue / 0.1% Xylene Cyanol FF / 0.25% Cresol Red / 0.5% OrangeG.
When preparing #doubledye/ #tripledye: 0.013% Bromophenol Blue, 0.01% Xylene Cyanol FF, 0.02% Cresol Red, 0.05% Orange G.
Relative positions and color of the dyes in 1% agarose gel:
Xylene cyanol (Sky blue, 4000bp)
Cresol Red (Crimson red, 1000bp)
Bromophenol blue (Prussian blue, 400bp)
Orange G (Tangy orange, 50bp)
2. #Buffers: Generally 1M Tris (pH-7.4) and 0.5M EDTA is maintained in the dye.
3. #Sinkingagent: 3 common components are used here alternatively, viz. 25% #Ficoll 400, 30% #Glycerol or 40% #Sucrose. These help the DNA to sink in the wells. Although Glycerol may react with TBE buffer altering local pH and Sucrose may not suitable for long time storage if not refrigerated.
4.#AutoclavedMiliQWater: to make up the volume.
Only to use as a loading buffer for #agarose gels, unless it is #Holi and you are stuck in the lab :(
Give it an attempt!